Category: Uncategorized

White Water Writers Research

I’m delighted to share some research into White Water Writers peformed by one of our experienced leaders. The executive summary is: All of us are subject to dominant narratives. These are ideas of what is normal, accepted behaviour and attitudes. Dominant narratives are culturally constructed and resistant to change. Personal narratives are associated with identity […]

Flowers for Turing Report 2019

Note, this post would normally appear on the website, but I’m currently, ahem, locked out of that wordpress installation… So, this is what Alan Turing’s Status looked like on his birthday! You did this, once again you came together and did this, and you raised £2,100.15 for Special Effect. Accounting! Okay, the accounting part: […]

Balance sheet at the start of 2019

As per our previous post, we’re making a big effort to improve our finance systems at eQuality Time.   As part of this, we’ve changed how we look at financial statements internally. We believe in transparency at eQuality Time, so here’s our Current Balance Sheet.  Once we’ve got a few more months of good practice under […]