Category: Uncategorized

Launching a new White Water Writers homepage!

Over the last few days I’ve complately rebuilt It was a very generic site advertising an academic project to strangers and now it’s for our writers to see the results of their work. It took quite the mental shift to go from ‘we are running educational interventions’ to ‘we are a publisher that runs […]


For the next few months eQuality Time is going to be focusing it’s efforts on a complete rewrite of the code for the Open Voice Factory, as well as experimenting with creating virtual White Water Writer camps. There’s a lot of reasons for the rewrite: The old github repo is extremely large because it contains […]

Analysis of White Water Writers Camp costs

Today I’m looking into the proper costs of a White Water Writers camp.  I periodically do back-of-the-envelope calculations for quoting invidual camps but it was about time that I got some proper numbers involved. I’m doing it publically for all the normal reasons and one extra one: it might help some organisations tailor their requests […]

This is rubbish

In February we developed and applied for funding for a new project about improving recycling. You can see the developement at application here. I’ve now got around to blogging about it. This is rubbish increases recycling in a local area by working face-to-face with residents to give them the information, feedback, and, dare I say, […]