“Dear Contact
You have applied to register the above organisation as a charity.
We are satisfied that EQUALITY TIME LTD is a charity and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1177233.”
Yes, we have finally found time to offically register as a charity!
The process involved jumping through a few hoops – changing our objectives as an organisation (the CC thought that they could be more charitable) and filling out some forms. We’re now offically a charity, rather than a social enterprise with charitable aims. This has a few advantages:
- It’s much easier to say what we are; “a social enterprise with charitable aims” doesn’t roll of the tongue
- We are much less likely to have to pay corporation tax
- A number of funding streams open up to us that were closed before.
eQuality Time’s Trustees did a lot of work making this happen, and I’m very proud of them.