10000 Children Funding Proposal

At eQuality Time we believe that the more transparent an organisation is, the more effective it will be.

One of the things we’d like to be more transparent about is the funding application process.  A little while ago we put out a post about a new project we were putting together looking at children missing from the education system.  We put together a bid that aimed to tackle the issue and unfortunate it was denied.  Here is the bid:

Here’s the resulting  PDF: Trust for London (It’s the version before our articles and constitution were added and before proofreading so there may be errors)

The response was:


Dear Dr Reddington,

Further to your recent application for funding to the Trust.  The grants team has now met to discuss all the proposals submitted to the Main Grants – February 2016 funding round, and after careful consideration, I am sorry to inform you that your application has not been shortlisted to the next stage.

Given the very real demands on our funding, the Grants Team felt unable to prioritise your bid in favour of other issues which we felt had a stronger fit with our aims in relation to poverty.

I am sorry to send you this disappointing response but wish you every success with your project.

Kind regards,


…we asked if it was possible to get some more feedback and are waiting on the response. In the meantime we’d like to thank Trust for London for taking the time to look at the bid and we hope that by making it accessible we’ll help other organisations prepare their own bids.

We’d like to be making our applications public as a regular thing, but there are various other demands on time so it will have to be on a case by case basis.


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